Friday, November 21, 2008

A sister's love

So, tonight Jaylyn left for her very first overnight trip with her small group from church. She has been so excited, I know she will have a great time. I had to take her to swim practice and right from there I had to drop her off at the church. I had all the kids in the car so I had to run in and drop her off. I got a little teary eyed as I said goodbye. It just seems like yesterday she was a baby! I get through the public goodbye without any tears and get to the car when Jessie asks me when she will be back. I break down and say tomorrow night.

Next thing I know I hear hysterical crying from the back of the van. Jessie is besides herself with sadness. She wanted her big sister so bad. It broke my heart. She cries just about the whole way home. I finally got her happy with pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert and bribed her with a movie. :)

I put all the kids to bed and when I put her to bed, Jessie asked if she could pray for Jaylyn. I said sure. What I heard her pray, I will never forget:

I pray that Jaylyn has fun.
I pray she is safe and comes home tomorrow afternoon.
I pray that God is with her.
I love you.

I was brought to tears...again. What did I ever do to deserve such a blessing? :)