Thursday, August 7, 2008

Where does the time go???

I can't believe it has been two and a half months since Jaeger was born! See how cute my little baby is....
The last two and a half months have really been great. The kids LOVE their new brother. I have so many helpers, too many at times! He is a really good baby and is sleeping through the night, a lot sooner than most of his siblings. He looks exactly like his daddy and nothing like his older brother, go figure.
I didn't really know how chaotic things would be with four kids and a newborn, but trust me, they are! Even though it is CRAZY, I just have such a feeling of peace like this is exactly how my life is supposed to be. I absolutely adore my kids and am so thankful God has blessed me with them.
Please forgive me but this post will be short, I need to get back to packing. We are leaving tomorrow to go camping with all of Howard's family for a few days. Seven people in one tent, pray for us :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

jaeger is so precious and we are so blessed to have him in our family now!!!