Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our first-born

We got pregnant with Jaylyn the first month we had officially started trying. The pregnancy was fine until 31 weeks when I developed pre-eclampsia and was put on strict bedrest. I remained on bedrest for 5 weeks and had steroid shots twice a week to help her lungs develop. Little did we know, those steroid shots would probably save her life.

When Jaylyn was 10 days old, she stopped breathing and turned blue, multiple times. We took her to the ER the first time it happened and the doctors did not believe us and sent us home. We then drove her to the pediatrician’s office as soon as they opened. I don’t think that doctor believed us until he witnessed an episode himself while he performed a spinal tap on her. I will never forget sitting in the waiting room during the procedure and seeing an ambulance pull up, just knowing it was coming for her.

The next 33 days are not a complete blur, but pretty close. I remember one nurse soon after we were admitted saying it was probably just an infection and she would be home as soon as we knew it. I also remember just a few hours later, the doctors putting Jaylyn on a respirator and asking our priest to come and baptize her in the NICU. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her for the first few weeks and we actually celebrated with them once we knew her diagnosis of pertussis!!

Looking at her now, it is hard to imagine how sick she was back then and during her early childhood years due to several bouts with croup and other infections because of scar tissue from the respirator.

Today she is a wonderful and caring daughter.
Today she is a devoted Christian and loves God with all her heart.
Today she is the best big sister to Jessie, Jovie, Jax and is adored by all of them.
Today she is just about a straight-A student despite diagnosed with ADHD.
Today she is a determined swimmer who just made her first B time.
Today she is our miracle, just as she was eight years ago as she fought to stay alive.

She is such a blessing to our family and we thank God for her everyday.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

okay-that was beautiful. don't let our moms read it! now you just have 3 more to write :) love you...