Saturday, February 2, 2008

Our second-born

Jessie Grace is our second born. We had originally wanted to have our kids two years apart so when Jaylyn was a little over a year we started trying. We thought since it really didn’t take too long to get pregnant with Jaylyn, it wouldn’t take too long this time. We tried and tried and tried with no success. After two years we decided to go to a fertility clinic. I was diagnosed with PCOS and started on medication. Still nothing happened. It was onto the next step. We tried something new the next cycle with no success and it was onto the final option. Because of how that cycle progressed, the outlook of success was looking very dim. To make things worse, at the beginning of that cycle, my grandmother passed away. We were all so sad at how things were turning out.

Amazingly, there was success in that cycle. I still remember to this day waking up in the morning and taking that pregnancy test. My parents were staying with us and we were all getting ready for church. I remember knocking on the bathroom door and telling my Mom and just crying with sheer joy. We found out around 20 weeks that we were having a girl and we didn’t even really need to think of a name. It was a given, we would name her Jessie Grace, after my grandmother. It was perfect.

Today, Jessie is a very energetic 5 year old. She is and always has been our most sensitive child. She loves to cuddle and is the most excited for the new baby. She LOVES soccer, basketball, anything sports while still being a real girly girl. She is our most personable and loves to ask people to tell stories. She gets so involved in learning other people’s stories, it is really fascinating. In a lot of ways, she really does remind me a lot of my grandmother.

We are so blessed to have her, and I am so happy we are able to keep a part of my grandmother alive in her.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Jessie is such a blessing! This one really made me cry because it is evidence of how amazing our God is. He healed you and blessed you! Wow!