Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Babies

Jovie and Jax are our “babies.” We started to call them that when Jax was born since they are just twelve months apart-it seemed like we had two babies!

Jovie is our little blondie. I don’t know where the blond came from but one of Howard’s brothers was born with blond hair and it all fell out and came in black. I am sort of hoping Jovie’s does the same. That way she would look a little more like her sisters. Right now, she is also into singing. “No One” by Alicia Keys and “Apologize” by OneRepublic with Timberland are her two favorites. Also very funny is the fact that she calls her cousin Dylan, not by his name but Gordon. No one can figure out why, I suppose she is just substituting her Gs for Ds and Ds for Ls. I am sure she will get it right one of these times.

Jax is your typical boy and gets into EVERYTHING. You have to have your eye on him every second. It really is great to have a boy finally though. I remember finding out we were having a boy like it was yesterday. I was preparing myself and the girls for another girl, just going with history. We brought them all to the ultrasound along with my parents. When the technician said it is a boy, Jaylyn sprung off the couch and screamed out a big YEAH!! We were all so shocked and some of us, I won’t name names, were in tears. I’ll never forget it.

Now, Jovie is 2 and Jax is 1, not so much babies anymore. I wonder what we should call them once the new baby comes. Any suggestions??

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

okay-now that you finished blogging on each child you can move on to your favorite cousin!!!!